Lots of people say, "No!" to President Obama's proposed healthcare reform package; mostly Republicans, whose entire legislative strategy for this session of Congress can be summed up in that one word. Unfortunately, even some Democrats are saying, "No!", too. Why they are doing this is a mystery, because if Obama's plan fails to be enacted, the Democrats will have handed the next election to the Republicans.
Even in the contorted realm of political logic, this one defies description. Here's the situation: the Democrats control both houses of Congress and the White House. Celebrating this outcome the day after the elections, any Democrat--be he yellow dog, blue dog (why do politicians have to have colors for everything?)--would be justified in thinking, "Now we're gonna turn things around and get this country back on its feet!"
But, hey--these are politicians we're talking about. They've got no spine or moral compass. All they care about, regardless of which party they're in, is getting re-elected. Want an example? If you were a U.S. Senator in 2002, knowing then what you know now, would you elect Harry Reid to be your leader? He's a textbook definition of gutless wonder. And Nancy Pelosi in the House? All I'll say is that she's even worse than Reid.
However, they're what we've got to unite the legislative troops behind President Obama's many initiatives, healthcare reform being the most pressing and immediate. We need people who can stand up and say, "Hell, YES! I'm gonna support my President and his programs!" Obama must feel like he's being nibbled to death by ducks. Here he's the head of a party that has all the pieces in place to go out and make real change in this country, to turn it around from the descent into Hell the previous administration engineered over eight years of rule by the foulest, most despicable, inbred, power-mad, war-hungry criminals this country has ever seen.
Even my wife, who is one of the smartest people I know, complains that she doesn't want a plan that takes her tax dollars to subsidize the healthcare of people who are obese and unexercised because they brought on their own health problems, like diabetes and heart failure. She's drunk the Republicans propaganda Kool-Aid, leading her to link this societal problem to Obama's healthcare reform package. THEY'RE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE! TWO SEPARATE PROBLEMS! YOU CAN WORK TO FIX THEM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME WITHOUT ANY CROSSOVER!
What do I mean? Obama's plan addresses the three key aspects of healthcare: coverage, services, delivery. When his plan is enacted--never mind getting true universal coverage, like the rest of the civilized world--yes, fat people and their problems will be covered. BUT, THEY'RE NOT FAT BECAUSE THEY'RE COVERED. THEY'RE COVERED BECAUSE THEY'RE AMERICANS. Two separate problems. Get it?
Let me know your thoughts.