Sunday, June 24, 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________ "No one ever lost any money underestimating the American public." P.T. Barnum. Well, the American public has spoken again. That is, if you believe (a) pollsters; (b) how polls are worded, asked, conducted, and interpreted; (c) whether the American public (if this is in fact a representative sample) has any idea of what is in its best interest. Why do I say that? Remember when this debate started again during Obama's first term? People would stand up at town halls and tell the moderator, "Keep gummint's hands off my healthcare!" Of course, many of those speaking were seniors, all of whom are covered by Medicare, the government-run healthcare system! How did people get so stupid and/or ignorant about something which is vital to their physical--and fiscal--well being? If this were the 1950s, I'd guess that the Russians had put something in the air and water supply. While that may still be the case--remember Love Canal, the Cleveland River that burned, and the recent mercury emissions controls that the Senate voted down last week--the Russians don't have a hand in it. We are doing just fine poisoning ourselves. One explanation for the collapse of the Roman Empire relates to the lead content of the pipes with which they constructed their system of aquifers. Lead poisoning weakens the brain's cells and their ability to think. Today, while lead is pretty much out of the water, we have fluoride, mandated in every municipal water system in the country in the 1950s to prevent cavities, as a long-standing substitute. As I said above, the powers that be in this country haven't lost a step when it comes to damaging the public's health in their efforts to "protect" it. That's where the Supreme Court comes in. Given the majority's predilection for interpreting the life out of the nearly impenetratable wording of the laws that govern us all, it won't surprise any Court watchers if they deem the individual mandate unconstitutional. A rough analogy would be: They know the cost of everything but the value of nothing. I wish us all good luck!

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